Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Summer Time

Alyssa did great in school this year she got an award for all A's, a Certificate for being an honor student, a ribbon for Math Whiz and a ribbon for AR club. I'm SO proud of my sweet, smart girl!

It was a little bright outside, sorry for the squinting

We are leaving for vacation June 3rd, early that morning I hope. Can't wait but until then we will be spending as much time as possible at the pool. We are SO blessed that my parents were able put a new liner in their pool so we are able to exercise everyday.

Here is Autumn watching a movie, isn't she cute with her huge hairbow.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Autumn's Vintage tea party, She turned 3!

Well it happened... my baby is no longer a baby, she is turning into a beautiful little girl. Although the past week have been hard, she has way more tantrums and has started to say "I can't" a phrase I do not like. She is going to learn Philippians 4:13 this week "I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me".

Her party was yesterday (the 14th) it was so much fun! Autumn was a little overwhelmed after it ended and exhausted, she was still tired today.

Her cake was fabulous Valerie Wrensted did an awesome job, it was exactly how I pictured it

Promptly after Madilyn arrived she sat down to have tea with the birthday girl. These girls are wonderfully sweet cousins it's absolutely a blessing that they were born just a few days shy of 8 months apart, I pray that they will grow up to be best friends.

We had all of her favorite snacks and just for a little color I added strawberries, which she loved when she was a baby.

She enjoyed eating her snacks.

She taste tested the cake, I think it passed.

keeping the kids out of the pool was impossible, even though the air was too cool apparently the water was not.

I tried to get a quick picture with the birthday girl and daddy, but they both chose to be uncooperative.
She hid from everyone when we sang to her.. she usually likes attention so I'm not sure why this particular moment leads her to hide, this year and last year.

Time to blow out the candles! A little help from mommy! ooooo Presents! This one was a barbie My beautiful Grandmother, she has been instrumental in my relationship with the Lord. And last but not least a little cuddle and play time with Pawpaw

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Shopping and tornado damage gazing with Autumn

Today was long. but mostly good. I myself have been going through some "stuff" and so getting away to buy groceries with my sweet Autumn was a nice little break. I was a little nervous about going to Tuscaloosa, I haven't been to target since the Tornado so I wasn't sure what to expect but I was pretty sure pictures wouldn't do it justice. I was SUPER nervous although I'm not sure why but I prayed a LOT and when I got there God gave me peace and understanding. Autumn saw the damage and said "momma look at all the paper" with much concern in her voice I then proceeded to tell her that that "paper" she was pointing at use to be a house and then with even more concern she said "OH NO, they need to FIX it, it's SO sad!" I was instantly proud at the empathy she was showed.

I have to admit I took her with me even though she protested and whined and begged not to go, usually I would call my mother or wait and go on the weekend when Jeremiah was at home but I really thought we needed some mommy and Autumn time. She was REALLY good I didn't have to get onto her very much which anyone who knows Autumn knows how much attitude she has, I really don't know where she got that from? Ha! She did melt down within the first 10 minutes of our ride home but very quickly she fell asleep.

Alyssa spent the afternoon with her daddy, so I didn't get to see her much but I know she caught fish. She is my sweet daddies girl, and I believe she would fish with him everyday if he would take her (and if she didn't have school).

I love my girls! In honor of Autumn's third birthday Sunday here is a picture of my sweet Alyssa holding her baby sister for the first time!

BTW we were not "rubber necking" I kept driving, didn't take any pictures and went straight to my destination. HAH just wanted to clarify my "title"